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Single Guys in Tucson in Arizona

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  • Age: 30
  • Photos: 2 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Cream n Sugar please!
Location: Tucson, Arizona

About Me: I DON'T WANT SEX!!! Well, not entirely true, but the fact is......sex for me is only GREAT if I know the person! Is that crazy? A guy that doesn't want to fuck unless he knows and likes you? WELL, that's MOI! Currently a full time student going for my MBA at the U of A University of Arizona. I am also taking some classes at pima community college pcc. I play jazz and classical trumpet, teach. I also like to work out, run, hike, etc... Karaoke is usually something I do at least once a week. How bout you? Are you funny, educated , sporty???? Are you kind caring and into fitness? You don't chase love , affection, or attention? ....because if it isn't given freely by another person, it isn't worth having. You miss 100% of the shots you didn't take? Do you actually think high and well enough about yourself that you can REALLY see yourself with your dream guy....your prince? My dream girl must: Be ambitious Not simply follow all her friends, but also do her own thing Hold a decent c

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