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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 30
  • Sex: gay single man
Recent Status: Diamond In A Ruff
Location: Lindenwold, New Jersey

About Me: Cool azz dudes who act like what God made you -- a DUDE!!!(4those of u who can't figure that out--NO Fems PLEASE!!!) positive kats(NOT HIV positive, that is!!) Peepz that are not potheads nor Budweiser's spokesmodel. That doesn't mean you can't EVER do it, but just not in excess. It cracks me up how most of the bruthaz on here make these proclamations sayin, 'i want a dude that got his sh*t 2gether and got sumthin goin 4his self' Meanwhile, YOU ain't got a pot ta piss in nor a window 2throw it out of ya damn SELF!! Livin wit mom dukes or whoever else u moochin off of, does NOT qualify as 'havin yo sh#t 2getha'--Sorry! That pisses me off AND cracks me up. That don't mean we can't talk, but don't try ta front actin like u got YA stuff 2gether. Just be Str8 wit me and I'll respect u 4ya honesty more than the facade. Don't mean 2B mean dude, just keepin it REAL. Bruthaz gotta be aware that GOD steers this thing He gave us called life, otherwise, just keep clickin cuz without, HIM, it ain't goin down! And absolutely NOOOOOO dudes who are about or attract ANY drama WHATSOEVER!! I'm also VERY leary of dudes that wear hats, wave caps, or ANYthing else covering their head in EVERY single picture of themselves---That means there's a 7 out of 10 chance that they're trying 2hide a receding hairline or excessive bald spots. LMAO! (harsh but tru. I ain't stupid) OH! And quick question: how can u call yaself -Down LOW- if ya pix is unlocked 4 the world 2clearly see -up HIGH-???? Hmmmmmm........?

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