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Dating Georgetown Men in South Carolina

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  • Age: 53
  • Photos: 4 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I love sex!

About Me: I'm a master of sensual and sexual pleasure. From my journeys abroad as a US Marine, I've acquired various knowledge and techniques of intimate sexual pleasure. Everything from Kama Sutra to Erotic Vaginal Massages. I'm 11 and 3/4 inches in length, and about 1 and 1/2 inches in girth (CHECK MY ADDITIONAL PHOTOS). I've been know to make women "PASS OUT" from over stimulation. It's a curse. They guys in the barracks gave me the name "BLACK INCUBUS" after a show in the Philippines, where I made two girls faint after just merely dropping my pants. I'm open to all "CUMMERS", and I totally believe in "SAFE SEX". I bring my own rubbers (I HAD SPECIAL MADE OVERSEAS)... NO RUBBER, NO SEX!!!! So if any of you dare to explore the world of "THE INCUBUS", or just experience what is feels like to have almost a foot of "EBONY MASCULINITY" inside you... leave a message here and I'll get back to you. Until then... Stay "DICK"-"LICK"-table.

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