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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 31
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I guess it only here,is it hot in there too?
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

About Me: I have tried as much as possible to be lighter than paper so that I can be carried away by the wind to where ever life goes. I do sometimes feel living country, but yet to give it a shot. Am just a typical guy you won't find at the street conner, if aren't at work, then indoor..I do sometimes love to go out but guess what? No company..ops, isn't that bad? That's the reason why am here. It isn't all about what I want but to the interested of you reading this lol. Am straight and will only want to meet someone the same orientation. If you can be as light and paper, I can put a smile on your face. I respect to treat others the way I want to be treated. I never dwell in violence, or any kind offense. I tried to trouble no one and to make or cause no problem with no one. Am not perfect, but any average person can live with me for a smile at least each day.

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