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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 45
  • Photos: 2 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Artist in search of his muse
Location: Venice, Florida

About Me: Whell.... in just a few words.... divorced, have a 34year old (the joy of my life by the way) desperately broke. Other than that i'm d*mn good looking. Not in Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, more like approaching middle age and kinda dumpy good looking. Seriously what the hell are you going to learn about me in a freakin' paragraph anyway.. sheesh! The most important thing to know about me is that I love were I am now and I'm looking forward to the future. Some of my time includes sitting and typing in front of a large scrren. Other activites not currently active, but heavily pursued, are listed in no particular order: photography, music, retail sales (who wouldn't?) film (or cinema for you highbrows) , paintings, nailing paintings and other media to wood, laughin, singing, (very off key). Mainly killing time between visits with my son. i'm kind of a jack of all and master of none... i pursue my photography and other artistic venues. Fairly good at geek stuff... just not uber geek (sorry ladies!) Something that i'm not quite good at is the Italian Language. Other than that my interest vary as i have no clear direction. Sometimes its just shiny stuff that can get my attention or a nakkid boob. Oh.. i am the lord and master of Monkee and Doctor Who trivia!... Not sure if i am suppose to be proud of that... :P

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