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About Me: I cannot reply to ur message here. If u want to get a reply, read the my "headline" section and follow it....sorry but that is the only way that I can respond to your demands. I know that many like to type "hi" in the subject of the message that they are sending, but in this case I prefer your personal email address. I will respond to your personal email and this allows me to be the first one who says hi. I have always tried to be a nice guy. So dont worry...I won't give your email address to anyone and it will stay with me and I wont send u spams or anything like that. I dont like to play games and I am for real. I hope that u are for real too. If u don't recieve a response to your message, dont hate me please. It is because u have not typed your email address in the subject of your message. About myself...It is not important what i think about myself (well i guess to some degree), what is more important is what others think. But I guess I can describe myself physically. well..I have black hair which is a bit curly, green eyes, I try to keep fit (I guess it depends on my mood and season). Well..you gotta see.. I love movies and many other things which u may ask after we get to know each other a little bit. I'm not looking for anything serious, just looking to meet new people and friends for some fun. I cant reply here but if u type your email address in the subject of your message, I will definitely send u an email. Also, I can send my pic to ur e mail in the case you ask for it. you will most likely recieve an e-mail from me if u are somewhat good looking or nice as you probably are. Then we can get to know each other more and we can start our adventure from there. So if u wanna have a friend or a little fun, send me a message (dont forget to type ur email address in the subject of your message...I can't emphasize over that anymore). WOW I have written more than I thought. By the way, did I say that I love the sound of nice lady who is having fun.