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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 39
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Time in a bottle
Location: Buffalo, New York

About Me: I'm a good looking guy, have a couple of tatoosbut aren't visable wearing clothes. Irish catholic, strawberry blond hair, blue eyes. I like comedy movies and defenetly a sports fanatic.I'm going to school right now to become an EMT/Paramedic, kind of my calling. I was a flight attendent for awhile but my airline downsized and took my line off so since I was in the last group that where hired they gave us the option to walk or take a crumby line so I walked and decided to go back to school. It's alittle stange going to school with 18 year olds when I just turned but it doesn't bother me. I still get carded at bars all the time. I probobly look 21 or 22.I'm about 165lbs and 5 '8. Any other questions I would be happy to answer when we talk.

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