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Dating Men in Saint Catharines in Ontario
About MysticMaster

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  • Age: 22
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I seek to love

About Me: Chances are good that we'll find common ground in music. I like writing, listening (though I will admit that exposure to loud noises has greatly hindered it, making it hard for me to hear at times). I like hockey, soccer, and I can find enjoyment in throwing around a football or a frisbee. I also like tanning, though I don't usually go to the beach - not that I don't like the beach, I just don't spend a lot of time there - one of those weird things, I guess. I am not strict about my religion, and am open to learning about others - not that I'll convert my beliefs, but with the influences that seep in, some ideals grow to become a part of who I am. For example, I am a Christian, but I accept many of the principles of Buddhism and feel that meditation is one of the essential ingredients to maintaining spiritual health.

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