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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 48
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: bisexual single woman
Recent Status: Bisexual BBW seeks free spirits for fun
Location: Edmonton, Alberta

About Me: I am a sensual BBW seeking to cast my spell on both men and woman. To the ladies, I entreat: Make one of my greatest dreams come true - making love to a woman. The thought of licking pussy and hearing another woman moan makes me really hot. Doing it while her partner watches makes me even hotter! I also wish to conjure men seduced by large breasts - suck and bite my 44F's! Add in a a good hard spanking and my spellbook is complete! I love talking about sex, the dirtier the better, with people from all over the world, - but going, "Oh babe, you're so big!" while you pull your dick is not my idea of fun! A "chat" means a conversation between two people - THOSE WHO SEEK ONLY TO CAM OR TO HAVE ME CHEER THEM ALONG WHILE THEY MASTURBATE WILL BE TURNED INTO TOADS!!!! Due to my coven commitments, weekday daytimes are best for me, but accomodations for that special someone can always be made!

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