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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 26
  • Photos: 4 Public
  • Sex: bisexual single woman
Recent Status: Aqafina aint got nothin on me!!!
Location: Saint Louis, Missouri

About Me: I'm 5'9 Medium Brown skin, Sexy Lips, and a beautiful smile Dark Brown eyes, Medium length hair, I'm Dominican and Jamaican, (For all the stupid people out there, that means my moma was born ans raised in Jamaican (God rest her soul) and my pops was born and raised the Dominican Republic) I'm open minded, down to earth, Intellegent Honest A Cancer A Diva Silly as hell, but serious when it counts. I'm classy, and probablly one of the realest females you'll meet. I'm mature for my age, and also independent. I'm not a virgin but I'm not promiscuouis. I am one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet, But don't get it twisted, I am from Cali, so be a fool, and just see what i'll do!!!

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