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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 48
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Executive, regular traveler to Northern Virginia, seeking after-work companionship
Location: Fairfax, Virginia

About Me: I am an executive at a Washington DC-based consulting firm, but I live in the midwest. I travel to Northern Virginia regularly for work, and spend many evenings wishing I has someone to join me for dinner, conversation, etc. etc. I am a young-looking 40 (I just got carded at dinner this evening... nice); I run and work out regularly but I'm not a fanatic about it - I am 5' 11" and weigh about 175 pounds. I am an introvert that works hard to seem like an extrovert... I've gotten pretty good at it. Not that being an introvert is a bad thing - it's just tough for the job I have. And I should add that I am happily married - more on that if we manage to talk.

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