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Lansing Local Men Hookup in Michigan
About SethJusticeA

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  • Age: 47
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I love touching, licking, pleasing women.
Location: Lansing, Michigan

About Me: Very nice guy. 40 yrs old. Decent looking. Only minuses are balding and current low income as a returned college student in Web design. Wasted lots of years drinking instead of having sex. Now I need to kiss and rub and lick a woman more than I ever have before. Intelligent, writer/artist/singer/computer-tech-in-training. Great personality. I can get very deep or remain shallow, depending on how you want me to be. I only care about getting as close to your body as possible to begin with. After the initial sexual starvation is satisfied, I would be very willing to become more involved, if that is your desire. I am not just looking for sex, but I need to have sex first before I can relax and be comfortable enough to be me.

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