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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 33
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Looking for a friend of the other gender. Possibly one with benefits. But more or less just a girl to hang out with.

About Me: I'm not to into the relationship seen, and I am a bit of a prude. I have only been with three girls, but don't let that make you think i'm inexperienced. the mother of my son is a prime example of a nympho. and I was with her for 5 years (we are talking 5 times a day any less and I got yelled at). And she is also the reason I don't want to be a boyfriend. But do want to be that guy you see for a booty call or just need a good pick me up. Cause I also like to make a girl feel good about herself and i'm exceedingly good at it.

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