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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 38
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Hi sexy!
Location: Appleton, Wisconsin

About Me: My favorite position's are... well actually whatever position I'm (we're) in at the time :o) I have had a lot of sex partners in the past but currently have none, and that is why I'm here. I have had a few one-night stands and they were good. Wouldn't be opposed to it again if the circumstances were right. I've been voyeuristic in the past. Places I've had sex are; parks, the beach, cars, hot tub, every room in a house, the library, school, movie theater, night club just to name a few. Places I would like to have sex in; a church, an elevator, and at mine (or her's) office. I masturbate when I feel like it. No more, no less.

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