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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 46
  • Photos: 2 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Looking for that spark!

About Me: How do you write this stuff and not come off as an ass...? My physical description: I am 5-9, 165 lbs. with a muscular athletic v-taper. I usually have very low body fat, but have been working on bulking up a little more. Usually have a six pack or close to it...I guess what I'm trying to say is that I work out. Also, I am fairly good looking and look younger than my actual age. My personality: It is probably best described as split. I am extremely confident and driven in my work life, but am very easy-going outside of work. I do a great job of leaving my work at work. I make a good living, but left a job where I was making twice as much for more job satisfaction. To me it was more important to be passionate about what I do. I am pretty straight forward and respect people who can say what's on their mind. It seems to save a lot time. I feel I have a great sense of humor and tend to see the lighter side of most situations. Bottom line...just ask.

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