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About pointbreak2007

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  • Age: 33
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Creative Minds Always Lead to Creative Possibilities
Location: Flint, Michigan

About Me: My elaboration; I would like to think that I am a normal guy, who at times can be, interesting, compelling, humorous, mysterious, cynical, intelligent and fragile. I am more of a leader than a follower. I have been a dissenter most of my life; plowing a sole path for which some have joined and others diverge; and if they did it was always graceful. I would classify myself as an introvert with extreme extrovert tendencies. I am generally fond of meeting new people and tend to gravitate towards cheery, positive, outgoing personalities (I'm breaking the introvert mold, can you hear it cracking?). I try to take advantage of all opportunities that cross my path. This could categorize me as an opportunist (ha-ha, brilliant!). These opportunities can range from sports, which I utterly enjoy, as I am extremely active; I run almost everyday, and I enjoy most if not all physical activities.

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