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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 37
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: 123456

About Me: I grew up in the rural midwest, I have a slight southern drawl, and I'm a damned good man. I married the first girl I had sex with, and after 16 years together, I can't keep my mind away from seeking the company of another woman. Of course I have discussed this with my wife as I am a great communicator and am very open. Why waste time and energy with lies and nonsense? I am a very passionate and affectionate man but not a man's man. As I mentioned before, I have never been a 'skirtchaser'. I simply long for the forbidden fruit of another woman and have finally realized that the fruit I desire is not, in fact, forbidden. I also have an intense passion for music. I'm a singer/songwriter and have been playing music for over 20 years.

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