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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 63
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: life is what you make it,live it to the fullist
Location: Denver, Colorado

About Me: I look like Al pacino most peopole say.I have lived a full but diffrent life than most.Ive been places most are afaid to go and recently had a bout with cancer,which I won.They say if you don't live life on the edge your taking up space.Trust me I'm not taking up space.Its time to have fun and laugh.I'm a very good cook,dance,travel,games of chance and always looking for new things.My mother was the greatest person I ever knew.She taught me how to be gentleman and how to treat a woman.In my life there is an unwritten code men live by if the males in your life don't know of it they weren't men.Learning something every day is my goal,gods greatest gift to us is knowledge.Enough about me on the serious level.I like to have fun open a map close my eyes put my finger on a map and go there.See things I never have or do things I never have.I'm Sisilian we are passionate peopole.Would you like to come home some night and I greet you at the door with a glass of youf favorite cocktail,I lead you upstairs to a bath I've drawn for you plus candles,I excuse myself because I have to go downstairs where I'm cooking diner for you,when you get out of the tub there is something for you to put on,I love buying clothes for women,we have diner the rest of the night we cuddle and who knows what happens.I love to please.Want to take a ride? Enjoy life? Know that your a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN? Lets enjoy life together and forget time.

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