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Rome Personals for Men in Georgia
About obaaashley876

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  • Age: 44
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: looking for love
Location: Rome, Georgia

About Me: Here we go! I have never tried online dating and have a hard time expressing who I am in words. I have always been a face to face type of lady, straight forward and a very passionate individual. Some of my friends call me King of Queens because Kevin James looks just like me but I would rather think of myself as Mr.Incredible.lol. I will share my explanation on later date. I am a at heart, pretty easy going, like to have fun and enjoy life. It would be nice to meet someone who shares the same beliefs as I do. My biggest passion is being a father. My babes take up most of my time and it is difficult to meet people between them and work. I am hoping to meet someone who can challenge me emotionally, physically and intellectually. I am not sure if I will find what I am seeking but I do look forward to meeting some new faces in my life.

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