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Ottawa Men Personals in Ontario
About junglekrakah

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  • Age: 32
  • Photos: 3 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: junglekrakah
Location: Ottawa, Ontario

About Me: Well lets see I'm pretty easygoing, funny, and outgoing. I love to snowboard, bmx, hockey, baseball, pretty much enjoying any sport. Love clubbing \ bars although they closed most of my favs here lol, luv to dance can't get enough of it. Very artistic, luv 2 spend hours just drawing, graffing, painting anything I can think of. Enjoy my books and puzzles. they keep the mind sharp. Luv 2 shop, I'm a clothes whore haha. Luv 2 travel, Been on all 6 of 7 conteinents having way too much and meeting way 2 many people. Currently I am employed at 2 places (damn economy), I am a cook and a butcher - although I have my degree in Photonic Electrical Engeenering, go figure I work in the exact opposite fields haha. I dunno what else to say haha.....

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