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About Me: Ummm, a little something about me...? Well, think Himalayas. Usuallly, that is. Usually when I'm not piloting my Leer jet to far-flung remote areas trying to promote world peace I pursue my hobby acting as a Sherpa in Nepal. I'm often called in as guide to handle the higher altitudes like the final ascent of Everest or K2 (even though K2 is not actually in Nepal but on the Pakistan-China border. This, you see, is how in-demand my services are). Of course, the whole Sherpa thing is just a pastime. I mean, I take it quite seriously, but once you've climbed Everest, well, you've climbed it! After a while one needs that rush of stimulation again and a little hike up a big mountain just won't cut it. That's why I'm always on the lookout for new challenges. Promoting world peace is a great challenge. It really keeps me on my toes. Doing my damnedest with this Iraqui mess but every time I think I'm making headway I get called away to some other corner of the globe.
What do I do for relaxation? Hang gliding in my custom, self-made glider is fun. As is scuba diving with Great Whites in the waters around the Farrallon Islands or Gansbaai. Vertical extreme skiing is always good for a laugh or, though I weigh a fraction of most of my opponents, Sumo wrestling in Kyoto when I'm in the neighborhood is a blast. (Undeafeted, so far. These guys just haven't got the leverage thing down quite the way I do.) Recently I took up chess and after my 3rd game was promoted to Grand Master, an unprecedented event, and have a match against Anatoly Karpov scheduled for later this month. With all due modesty, the poor guy doesn't stand a chance.
A small 18th century, shorefront villa in Costa Almeria, Spain near Cabo de Gata-Njar natural park is the favorite of my numerous residences. I love to lounge on the terra cotta verandah while dabbling in writing poetry and fiction, painting the breathtaking sunsets, and fullfilling the backlog of film scores I've been comissioned to compose. My wine