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Date Albany Men in New York
About frendlybenifits

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  • Age: 36
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: The friend you want but with benifits
Location: Albany, New York

About Me: I am the nice guy that finishes last. This is tough…how do I describe myself other then to say what others have said about me. My friends say I am a nice a guy who needs a nice girl that wont try to take advantage of me and my good nature. I am the type who offers to help someone before they ask and find it hard to ask for help myself. Before you say anything I don’t ask for help not because I am to proud but because I don’t like to take advantage of others and when I ask for help I feel like I am. I am an open minded laid back nice honest funny guy who likes to laugh and make others laugh. I know people will say they will try anything once well I will not try anything but will try most things if they sound interesting to me. However being open minded I will listen to your suggestion to try something new. I never know if I will like something new if I don’t try it so feel free to ask me. I don’t talk much unless I have something to say and that makes me a very good listener and I can give you my opinion or just listen if that is what you need. I know nice guys finish last and that is OK with me just as long as I finish. If I have not told you enough about myself then just ask me if it is not a question I want to answer then I will tell you.

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