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About Me: I am an out going, personble, very creative person. Making music, writing songs, is a primary interest, along with the following: art, photography, poetry, writing. I love nature. Quiet nights walking along a quiet beach, gazing up at the stars in the night sky I find to be an inspiration. I also love good conversation. Did I mention that I am easy going and that I'm not too keen on pretentiousness? Honesty is very important to me. I don't seem to do well with the wearing of maks, if you know what I mean. I consider it a relief to be able to 'just be who and what you are, as a person, and, if no one can like you for that, well, what of it? After all, if you can't be yourself then why bother being anything at all? Iit would, of course, be a thrill to meet someone with the same or similar thoughts, feelings and attitudes as mine. Am I the epitome of perfection? Heck no, but I do try to maintain a positive atitude / frame of mind. I do believe I have a fairly decent sense of humour. When it comes to goals I am in pursuit of, I am confidently eager to 'go the limit' and am not too woried about obstacles that may be in the way. It doesn't mater, to me, if someone says a thing is impossible. I always want to try it and se for myself, before acknowledging the imposibility of a certain undertaking. I would not be doing what I do in regards to music if it had to be an 'easy thing to succeed at. Okay, that's it for now. I'll eave it up to your own perceptions to determine whether there is anything of significance ghere, or not. Can't get to know the whole person in a profile, you know. I figure it will be the same for me if I do meet up with someone interesting here. I don't expect a profile to tell me more than is possible, as a first introduction. I figure the more intimate details are waiting to be discovered (both ways), if the chemistry is just right, after conrtact has been established and a meeting takes place.