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About illloveya2010

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  • Age: 26
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Willing to lie about how we meet!
Location: Ottawa, Ontario

About Me: I've worked really hard in my life to become who I am. Every time I've fallen down, I've dusted myself off, checked out my wounds, gotten up, and tried again. Being successful to me means having the freedom to do what I want... which of course is having time to hang out with you. I'm looking for a lighthearted girl who enjoys the humorous side of life. If you are nice and can hold a conversation you should message me. My favorite movie is Bad men 2 because of its raw humor. My favorite type of music is Rap because it pumps me up. I enjoy volunteer work, spending three hours helping others feel better about themselves makes you feel good about yourself. To me one of the most exciting things is being with a person whose mere character and personality make it an adventure to be in her company. How about you?

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