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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 26
  • Photos: 3 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Try me, I dare you.
Location: Edmonton, Alberta

About Me: I try to be as modest as I can, so it's kind of strange to talk about myself and try to make me sound good, but here it goes. I am an intelligent man who thinks very deeply about things. Philosophy is a hobby of mine that I enjoy very much. Aside from trying to learn as much as I can, I am a very outgoing and exciting person, if you're a little on the weird side. I like to be loud, laugh loud, and be outrageous, EVERYWHERE! I enjoy music to no end and am currently learning how to play guitar and write my own songs. I plan to enter the world of politics once I finish University and with any luck, I will be supreme ruler of the Earth, haha. I am very romantic and would like to share that with someone. I have recently decided to explore my sexual side after being abstinent for quite some time, so if you're looking for someone who will make you moan and beg for more, you've found the right guy. : ) 6 foot 1 inch (height, not penis length! :P), fit build, 170 lbs, dark/tanned, brown eyes, brown hair, clean cut guy! You can find out about the penis length later!

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