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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 37
  • Photos: 2 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Sex is great, but there's much more...
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico

About Me: I'm from Albuquerque, but moved away as a . After a bad break-up, I came back to New Mexico as an adult. I own my own business, and that's great, but it limits my ability to meet new people like a regular job would. It's been too long since I've spent time with anyone romantically. So, what am I looking for? What's anyone looking for? I'm here to find someone I can go out with, stay at home alone with, be comfortable in a large group just because she's there... I want a relationship which leads to marriage and . That's what I want... How do I get there? Well, I'm not interested in divorce, so I'm not jumping into marriage. What I really want is just to meet someone that I'm interested in dating and taking it from there... no pressure for the future, just some fun times that could lead to something else... If you're interested, contact me.

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