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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 24
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Achieve and persevere!
Location: Baltimore, Maryland

About Me: I burned fires of infinitism down the longest path that existed for eternity shedding tears...with my friends in the most magical and legendary lake of all time.These friends are the light that shines in the distant...you are the one in the darkness...looking for that light! That light. Is the only thing there to trust, you leave it to chance. One day you find it but it disappears. You can only have faith. That the light is still there. I found that light and I constantly lose it but I learn to trust it even more. My best friend died. Together, we flew in the sky, over the oceans, in a dream that lasted forever! I delcared the bonds unbroken. Everyday, I thought of her, standing on that hilltop, with the dark skies passing by, the winds blowing at night, with the stars shining and the laterns glowing in the night sky. We cried in the most magical legendary lake of all time. I loved her. I promised, I would reach my goal for her, and for all of my friends who accepted me. I have learned to achieve and persevere, hovering from the darkest abyss of the last days, I will not stop flying higher! I aim to become the greatest artist of all. Many have learned to look up to me, and I will be their role model. It stood on that rift, dreaming all day, hoping for the best, It never became better. With the tears dripping down his face, the emotional rage that was held within him, the arms held out to express himself, the legs dancing. his name is Mike vit.

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