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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 46
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Do you really think that by looking at me?

About Me: Maybe I am a little to honest, but we all have been in that bad relationship, some of them nightmares, others we learned something about ourselves whatever the case, history now ;) our first sensory of feelings is attraction. Now, maybe im an artist and my left brain is stronger, than those go getters, talkers, hustlers, pimps, assholes, jocks, pick your group........right brain stronger....so my left brain likes to go step by step, maybe I will get stuck on a step, maybe Ill go BACK on a step...........you can be an alien with 5 brains....step the fuck back....I know what , where, how. My Lady! you dont have to train here....hmmm....i should write a book........Seriously, I enjoy being with someone sexually, so be warned. So the attraction part is essential to the plan, dont care if a little overweight, just cant enjoy what I do, If not attracted to....sorry....shallow....no just honest to myself......

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