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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 27
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Ready to start a stable life with someone
Location: Gretna, Louisiana

About Me: I am 22 years old and very energetic. I rarelly sleep or stop moving around I have to much energy but it is fun. I am athletic I played baseball my hole life and ran track in school. I am allways about taking a road trip or trying something new. I have worked on cars and other types of motors for most of my life that is what I am going to school for. I love to make other people happy and smile before myself maybe it aint too good for me but I have a strong hart and find myself not being able to say no to my friends. I get alot of people that use my kindness against me but hopefully one day I will find someone that will help me and not allways the other way around. I used to live in Mississippi and every time I go see my familly I get depressed that I have to leave it is so peacefull and scenic out there. I have a 2 year old daughter named Hailey that is the only reason I am still fighting this static filled life. I love to play pool and am really good at it I was a bar babe for 12 years with both my parents. I drink when around friends or trying to chill at the house and relax but not everyday. I smoke but like all bad habbits there comes a time to stop and with the joes being $5 I think now is that time. I went and took my test to try and get in the Coast Guard but I froze at the thought of not being there for my daughter when she is young and needs me to teach her stuff. I hate my babe moma I almost had her comitted she is stupid we dont talk unless for my daughter. I am open to all people and will love u till it hurts and I am sticking to it.

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