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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 28
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: looking for good time
Location: Newark, New Jersey

About Me: Name's joe. People call me a lot of things, none anything bad. jay , for one, don't know why though. Kano. a name I pulled from my fighting style, Simon from my leadership.... i'll explain. When I say jump, people jump, when i say sit, people sit. When I say panties off, damn... that's what happens, ok, don't ask why. Crazy, 'cause.... well i'm crazy like that. I don't say much, but when i do, try to listen cause it's probably something logical. I've noticed that not a lot of people have common sence or logic. That's why you should listen. Who knows, you could be doing it the wrong way. As you can see I'm a SSgt in the Marine Corps. Not much to explain there. 0811 CCo

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