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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 25
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: goofy and fun
Location: San Diego, California

About Me: Well,I like to hang out with my budds. They always seem to do something exiting. Stupid people make me laugh. i havent really found what sacres me yet(a phobia). But when i do......it will be BAD. Everyone thinks that im an ass, but really i dont mean to be, I only like to have fun in my own way, which many people do not like. i can be very childish at times. but i can also be a total adult too.i have temper. if you wanna fight ill fight,and you WONT win, unless im being a sweet nice guy just like i always am and let you win (thats rare) lol just kidding.im always nice....i guess. i dont like to read things i HAVE to to read.i like to read things that interest me, like (for some odd reason) the ingredients labels on food or anthing really.i will learn how to say one of those words right some day, WITHOUT having to sound it out. iguess.....i dont know.....im a guy that you just have to get to know personally if you really wanna be my friend. WARNING! IF YOU PISS ME OFF I DO BITE. unless your scarier than i am. hehe!

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