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Newport Beach Single Guys in California
About mitchisgreat

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  • Age: 44
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I am unique, happy, handsome , successful, fun, clean and a real super star in every sense of the word. You are a Queen!

About Me: I am highly happy, successful and real! I do what I say and I say what I do. I love health and I am clean and passionate. I avoid things that make me dirty such as I don't drink, smoke, coffee, drugs or yucky media. I am a go getter, handsome, nice, enthusiastic, fun and very successful and financially set! I love to grow and learn, smile and serve, and live life to its fullest. I am an innovator, a creator and super business person. I love to make money and I love to be a builder of memories not just a collector of things. I believe in miracles, I love God because I know He is real and I feel truly blessed and highly favored. My goals is to find the girl of my dreams and live a truly dream life together. Serving her, blessing her, giving her undivided attention, caring conversation, affection, incredible intimacy, emotional security, and solid and complete financial security. I see living life to its fullest eating great, exercising, creating health and wellness businesses, raquetball, cardio, serving others and serving each other and creating truly heaven on earth! Literally making dreams come true. I do with God's help the impossible and I live miracles every day. I have a ton of fun and enjoy life fully without the use of drugs and alcholol. I like to have fun the clean way living over the top. I am very passionate about love and sexual fullfillment and making my dream feel better than good, to have love, fun, security and pleasure all day. I also like to work hard at being better every day and learning. I love to communiate and learn so that I am better today than yesterday and the future is always getting better each day. I was born in Brooklyn New York, raised in SanDiego California and got a scholorship to Brigham Young Univeristy where I was entrepreur of the year, and then ToP Young Entreprenuer of the State of Utah. I was an eagle scout at 12, a missionary in south america at 19, a millionaire at 26 and a multi-millionaire at 33

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