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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 29
  • Sex: gay single man
Recent Status: Sexually friendly guy looking for LTR
Location: Lowell, Massachusetts

About Me: I am in my last semister of college attending the University of Massachusetts in Lowell. I am a business major and I hope to one day open my own cafe/bar that is for all sexual preferences. I work at a bar, part time on the weekends and am a bank teller Monday through Friday while I am in college. I am serious about the friends that I make and am not interested in any cyber bullshit nor am I interested in any dudes who think that they are better then the rest because they are hot looking. I enjoy getting to know people who have "deepth of character", not superficial dudes. If you think that you are a guy who wants to get to know me for who I am, not what I look like, contact me. Otherwise, don't bother. I am a mix of Frence, Scottish, and Charokee Indian. My grandmother was half Charokee. I have brown hair, green eyes, and a mild olive complection. I have always been athletic and love playing basketball and throwing a frisbee. I am more comfortable when I am nude and I spend as much time as I can naked. To me, nudity is natural and not sexual.

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