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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 30
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: kc209
Location: Stockton, California

About Me: i am the type of guy that dont take crap from anyone ane is not afraid to speek wats on my mind what ever is on my minde, and i cant stand to be lied to so that is why i figure that aother person dont want to be lied to as well, so i say the yruth what ever i is but thats only if im asked about it. i like to go places or go to the mountains for a drive and depending if i choose to i go on some fire raods with my pickup and do some off raoding on ssme trails but not like were i will fuck up my truck or anything. but in the winter im constantly heded to the mountains to play in the snow but not like makeing snow people but to lock in the 4x4 and hit some trails that are snow covered and explore were the trail gos and eat lunch out in the middle of the woods sitting on the tailgate ontop of some mountain looking at the veiw over all the snow covered pine trees and unwinding from the strees and the constant run run run of everyday life. i also go do hunting when imy job allows me time to, i aslo enjoy to go target shooting as often as possible and trap shootiing as well as skeet shooting i dont do fishing anymore cause i burnt my self out going up, so as you probiily can tell i cant and do not like like to be indoors i will go nuts trying to watch tv or movies cause i fill that i can do something with my time more productive rather than sitting on the couch and watching tv aall day

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