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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 55
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Passionate Memories
Location: Ottawa, Ontario

About Me: I am addicted to taste, smell and touch. I trust nothing but what my eyes can see and feast on my imagination. I love reading, food, art, my home, women, life and movies but not necessarily in that order. I used to be a dreamer, a charmer and a pleaser and now all that is gone, forgotten, dead, broken or undone. What is left is just me; bigger in some parts smaller in others but happy with the man I am. I have many interests, but very few real hobbies although there are many things I can do well with just my hands. Some might say I love it best when my hands are tied leaving only my mind to run free, but I love the challenge just as much. I like to push and provoke and I could very well be the first to spill coffee on you if it makes sense to get you naked. In hindsight I could still be a charmer and a pleaser in the right company. . . I believe in passion; in surprises and in being on the same wavelength. Life can be very short and I for one need to live in all its angles.

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