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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 44
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Look at me!
Location: Rochester, New York

About Me: * lasting impressions. "I like people who enjoy the theatre, laughing and spending quiet time at home"That's hot!!! * What are your vital stats? "I'm a guy(duh), 25 years old(11 years ago), high school graduate who's currently working on his college degree(deja vu). Blond hair(or bald), blue (brown)eyes, body like a rock(that's molten-like liquid hot magma!!)" * What are your interests? "I like swimming, sailing and hanging out in clubs(ummm-yeah)" * What are your sexual interests? "I like 69, long fuck sessions and licking a girl's breasts until she screams(is that really possible??!!)"

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