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Meet Men in Edmonton in Alberta
About lonsumreelmiguy

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  • Age: 65
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I'm the man who is out to get you, and will do his best to win you over.
Location: Edmonton, Alberta

About Me: Just probably the nicest guy you;ll ever meet. I'm really quite unassuming and very genuine!! I could just rock your socks girl, and make you the happiest you;ve been in awhile!! I love to just talk and llisten to the girl of my dreams. I don't mind reading a good book, going for a walk in the valley, cycling on the fantastic trails that abound everywhere!! Then just checking out all the fine dining establishments around town. I like going to the gym and working out a bit. A little yoga to stretch out the limbs, a couple of S|alsa or cycle fit classes, anything to stay in shape. A good play once in qwhile and a movie, a trip to the mall , or a drink at one of theclubs. I enjoy what I am doing right now which is working for myself. I have the freedom to do more or less depending on where \i want to be>

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