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About lookingfornow73

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  • Age: 39
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: This summer I'll be ready 08
Location: Baltimore, Maryland

About Me: I am nice (at less I like to think so) respectful, love to communicate, honest, listening to people, can be straight forward, when need to be which most of the time. But when It comes to sex, I like to heat things up slowly, so that mean I like for play ( for those who don't understand I like kissing, rubbing licking etc.. you-get the point ) anyway, I not doing none of those things until I know that, that person is clean and DD free. Sex isn't something you do, it is an art. You make it last for a while, she gets heir's and you get yours, then you talk for a while and you do it again. you start of by making passion love, then talk (meaning -telling each other some dumb ass lies). Then make love and change the temple to a more faster movement (put some mode music a little up beat) you don't cum til she gets heir's, and when she dose, don't be in a hairy to get yours, stop for a while (Tell some more lies) then fuck her brain out. Move around a lot change up style. That fuck-en

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