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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 47
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: LETS DO TI
Location: Aurora, Colorado

About Me: Hi, I am a nice guy who loves to do things outside of the house. People have told me that I look young for my age. I love to ski, bike, hike, roller blade and swim. I play the saxophone and guitar. I will tell you a breaf history of what happened to me after highschool. After I graduated high school in Green River, Wyomming I went to the Univercity of Wyomming for 1 year. I got "SAVED" in the Baptist Church and dropped out of college. I then came home and worked at FMC in the mine for about 2 years. I was a shuttlecar operator. I then saved enough money to go to tradeschool (in orem, UT) where I got my 2 year degree in Electronics. I fell in love with a gal named Beth and I followed her to Shawnee, OK. That next summer we broke up and I stayed in Shawnee for 2 years and worked on the campous of OBU, (Oklahoma Baptist University). I started to miss my family, by this time my father retired and moved to Portland, OR to be by my sister Lynn. I decided to move to Portland, OR. I finally found a job there and lived 8 years there. During that time I got married and divorced. My parents then moved to AZ, and In 1975 I decided to move to Denver, CO to be by my brother Greg. I found a job as an Computer Aided Drafter. After 4 years I got layed off the job. Eventuly I had to file for bankrupsy. I needed to make some fast money so I went to Trucking School and became a Over The Road truck driver. I drove O.T.R. for 2 years and put all my belongings in storage and sold my house. I was able to live out of the truck and I saved enough money to get my feet back on the ground. As I was driving I had a lot of time to think about my life. I decided to go see a psychiatrist. My first visit with him, he found that all through my life I have been suffering from depression. He put me on some medication called Welbutren. This has changed my life. I now want to enjoy life and make the most of it.

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