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Dating Men in Baltimore in Maryland
About FrenchKiss6979

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  • Age: 33
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I love sex!
Location: Baltimore, Maryland

About Me: When I do come out I don't want to fine a girl, don't have time for "game"! I need a woman, someone who is mature, understanding and has some wisdom about themselves. But all of these attributes must be in deeds and not just in words, because your feet will revile what your mouth is saying. I need someone who is older enough have sex and mature enough to enjoy it with experimental exploration and if it is just a fling with an expiration insight. . I need someone that knows the different between making love, having sex and just plain old F.U.C.Ken. . If U R not investing time, money and talking about going somewhere and doing something like I am doing with U, we R just humping around and I am the first one to say I do not want this, because there is nothing here. U R just a babe in an adult body. I never go beyond those bounders of what we do without communication; I don’t like to assume or presume

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