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Find Guy Friend in Greenville in South Carolina
About rocknrolla420

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  • Age: 26
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I can make you a very happy girl..

About Me: Well, Im kinda new to all of this. I'm 20 years old just like it says haha. Im pretty tall.. 6' 5" I was a swimmer in school and my job now requires lots of heavy lifting so I am lean and in shape. I also play some basketball, skate A LOT, and I'll pretty much try any board sports. I do suck at snowboarding tho haha.. I'm a scorpio. We're the fun ones. People say I'm kinda mysterious, but I think its because I'm really not too outspoken. Maybe brief would be a better word.. What else? I love music. Who doesn't?! I'm always in a good mood. I made it a personal habit of mine to try not to get mad at people or things. I just think that humans can weather just about anything if they are patient and kind. I love to paint and I'm really pretty good at it. If i could afford art school I wouldn't be living in greenville anymore. I've got a side job painting murals and any freelance art really..

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