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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 25
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: zach tm
Location: Manassas, Virginia

About Me: My name is Zach. The purpose of life is a life of purpose. I am sensitive Im a pretty good actor. I pretend to not care what you think, dont be fooled. I'm a bloody coward when it comes to relationships. I try to avoid them. Dont expect much out of me in that department. My goal is to make you smile I will draw you a picture. Organised religion is an old wives tale. I have no problem with pot. I have been drunk. I have two moods. Chica chica yeah! I try to be funny. Im not a violent person. Yet, I dont beleive in true piece. I might act fake, i might be annoying, I might make you sad or maybe happy. I'm scene, emo, hardcore, prep, lame, fag, geek, cool, skinny, strong and weak. Whatever I am, I am me. I like it, dont fuck it up. :]

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