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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 51
  • Sex: straight single man
Location: Waukesha, Wisconsin

About Me: I’m the tall dark and handsome type. I ride a white horse with saddlebags full of money. My long hair waves in the breeze as I ride up to sweep you away. Of corse reaching down to swoop you up upon my stead is simple for a former Mr. America runner up like myself. Oh yes, before I go on telling you how damn perfect I am, I need to let you know that at one weaker time in my life, I stared in a porn movie. Yes, it was very very popular, but I only did it to raise money to save the family farm . . orrr . . . was it to get Grandma that kidney . . . I don’t remember. I'm sure it really doesn’t matter to you anyway, cause I’m a gorgeous male and that’s what women want. I’m looking for a superficial woman who needs to be pampered and treated to the best that money can buy. She must be so sooo shallow that my looks and money mean too much to her to let my over-inflated ego get in the way. If you are that woman and this is the man of your dreams – SEE YA! However, if your a nice person looking for a nice average guy who's a lot of fun, send me a message and I’ll tell you about the real me!

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