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About Me: I know who I am, & I'm clear about my life mission. I'm a relationship counselor, workshop leader, author, sex educator, performance artist, & spiritual guide - teaching ideal relationship (including tantra/sacred sexuality, bdsm, fantasy fulfillment, etc.) & spiritual growth (yoga, meditation, ayur veda) worldwide I'm masculine, confident, experienced, knowledgeable, & very good at what I do - but I don't have a big ego about it. I'm also loving, compassionate, intuitive, & very focused on who I'm with. Plus, I've healed a lot of my stuff so I'm pretty game-free. I play safely & respect limits, yet know how far to push your envelope to take you where you want to go. I believe in the healing power & bliss of fantasy fulfillment, role-playing, breaking taboos, & walking on the dark side. I offer tantric exploration that becomes the doorway to mutual ecstasy & unboundedness. I'll take you where you've always dreamed of going, & touch that deep, sacred place in you that you've always longed to surrender to a man. I'll also embrace all the feminine sensuality, power, passion, & wildness you long to give to a man. Here's the invitation to let yourself go, hold nothing back, open the floodgates - to experience whole-body energy flow & orgasmic release that makes you shudder & cry with delight, to feel your heart ravished open in love, to let your spirit soar. For entertainment I love to sing & play piano, run tribal drum circles, go partner dancing (I teach ballroom, Latin, swing, Argentine tango, etc.), practice martial arts (I competed in the NCAA Karate Nationals in college), give & receive sensual massage, & photograph beauty (nature or women). I believe intimate relationship is for people to bring out the best in each other, the vastness, the god & goddess that they already are deep within. Let's connect & explore that with each other. Write me.