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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 50
  • Photos: 5 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I'm married, a little shy, and completley sex deprived. How about you?
Location: San Jose, California

About Me: I'm here for one reason, SEX. (it's something I haven't had in a really long time). I'm real, married (and not about to leave her), normal, funny (in a fun way, not a funny way), and I'm still sane (I think). I have strong smooth hands (great for massages). I love foreplay. I would like to find someone who, like me, needs an affiar to save our marriages (now that's funny, in that other funny way). I Know you know, that I know exactley where we're coming from. I'm not a cheater, wait, I'd have to cheat first to be a cheater, and when I do I'll remove this sentence. I'm not a player, I haven't dated in over 12 years, and not looking to date anyone anyway. I'm a bit shy until I get to know you, so therefore, I suck at picking up woman. I've given up on making the initial contact (too many fakes), so I hope you will contact me. I believe in the golden rule and so should you. It's the fifth of may now and I'll replie in a week or two. So I know you're real, include you're answer to this question in you're first message; Can a safe, descreet, and occasional affair keep the lawyers away?

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