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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 29
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Hello Ladies
Location: Medford, Oregon

About Me: I am a bit shy and mostly a calm level headed person. I like a lot of nerdy stuff like Video games and RPG'S. D&D, and card games and such. I collect weapons and other amusing stuff that perks my interest. Even though I do not like it much. Due to the past jobs and the current economy I never really have made enough to move out on my own yet or learned how to drive but. Im getting around to it soon. So I pretty much am stuck livin with parents for now. I have a few good friends and while I admit I might dress awkward I am my own person and do not listen to what others think of me reguardless of what they think or say. If ya don't like me thats fine, I do not like you either!

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