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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 42
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: a Mystery wrapped up in a Riddle inside an Enigma...

About Me: If you're looking for Tall. Dark and Handsome, I think I can give you that as long as you can settle for short, white and "I've seen worse." If you're looking for a man who can have an in-depth, serious discussion about the Middle East and the economic impact of garlic bread with cheese futures then keep moving...because this whole time you've been talking, I've been thinking about last night's episode of Family Guy. I like to kiss, cuddle and hold hands and most of all, I'd like to see you smile and hear you laugh as long as its not like Babs from Eastenders because - honestly - I would flee screaming! I prefer jeans over Dockers and t-shirts over Polos. But not literally. I think I'd get really hot with all that clothing on. Also I can juggle. But usually only one thing at a time. So I guess thats less 'juggling' and more 'throwing stuff and catching it.' I think that pretty much sums it up. "The Misderee"

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