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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 40
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: simply casual
Location: Edmonton, Alberta

About Me: Very sensual, intellectual fire:) I like my cappucinos. Too sensative natured to go beyond the 2nd beer truly:P I can be a rough sexual type; or the softest; depends on YOUR nature. I naturally fit my girls nature. You want the chaste style? (missionary) so be it; you want the unchaste style (doggy) so be it. You want it rough? You'll have it. I'll fulfill your dreams. Simply tell me when you want the fantasy to end and meet the real me:) I walk in the illusion of the bad man (the weakest of them all) but in my deepest conscience I am the good one:) However in all aspects I am there waiting for your true attention:) Amen.

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