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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 52
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I love sex!!!

About Me: Physically, emotionally and mentally fit. I have many friends in the wellness business, so I receive acupuncture, message and body work on a regular basis. Getting back into yoga. Use to go 3 days a week. You are what you eat so... I am a healthy cook. Most restaurants provide starch and Iceberg lettuce for a vegetable so you are usually buying atmosphere and convenience. love seafood. I always have people laughing around me. from the Post office or in a line some where. I am always creating something new or discovering a new way to do something. Sex with me is an adventure and never the same. So mystery and discovery is what interests me. So send a message and lets see where the magic starts.

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