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About Me: Well let's see... Real down to earth gentleman here, No Bull****, No Drama, (Sorry about the self photo's!) as there are many here that have ulterior motives. I am not looking to win any popularity contests here at sexsearch either! Just stating the truth, as I am all about being real! After all, the reason most of us are here, is stated in the name of this site, and that is all that should be intended!! My intentions (My Fetish) here is/are very simple!! To pleasure women!, Believe me I get my pleasure from having pleasured!! The most popular being, A Dreamy Full Body Erotic Massage. If you have ever had a full body massage then you are 1/2 way there! Are you with me?? Imagine, If You Will? An experienced, full body massage from head, hand, to toe (approx. 1hour 45minutes pure bliss!). Throw in some good music, a fantasy or 2 (all senses relaxed and at peak, all tensions gone!) And then the kicker!! A gentle, arrousing, sensual, erotic massage!! Need I say more?? I Treat Women with the utmost respect and decency! Also I am very Discreet! I am STD free (able and willing to verify), and expect the same. I practice Safe Sex - period. I currently reside in Northern Maryland, Baltimore County and have been here for three yrs working too much and not playing enough. Well now it's time to start playing a little. Just getting out of a marriage, so I am not looking to do that again soon, maybe a friend with benefits, or something discreet and then who knows what it could lead to?? Once again, I am here for one reason and one reason only!!! Just seeking to pleasure women! So Serious, Genuine, Responses From Ladies Seeking The Same, Only, Need Reply! Please! Thank you! Interested? I would be willing to meet you somewhere in public, in the Baltimore area, maybe for drinks, coffee, to see if we might have a mutual interest here? Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely, Keeping It Real!!!!